Saturday, August 8, 2015

So, I've been very into a variety of videos lately. Mainly:
1) Beauty videos
2) What's in my bag / what's on my desk videos
3) Routine / Day in my life videos

And the most recent...

4) What's in my planner videos.

Basically, organization. There is just something about seeing cute stationeries, pretty planners and the OCD in me coming out that all blends together.

Therefore, to get it kicked out of my system, I am gonna use this blog post to let the world know What's In My Bag, with no pictures whatsoever.

What's In My Bag

Here, I am talking about my weekend bag, and not the one which I carry to work. Although maybe I can do a separate blog post on that as well... Hm.

I am currently using this bag pack which I got very recently from my Seoul trip back in late May 2015. I love it for it is in the shade of a light brown, and it has a unique design. It has one main zip, and to open up the bag, you have to unclasp the belt from the bag. There is also a zipped pocket inside the bag to keep miniscule items, as well as a small zip on the outer of the bag, where the back lies. It is a very unique design, and I love it to bits.

I was very stoked to get this bag pack, because the main reason is that it only costs me 10,000KRW, which is below SGD12? Not only that, the whole shop sells their bags at 10,000KRW, and it ranges from bagpacks, handbags to crossbody bags, all in different sizes. The last time I had been here was in 2012 or so, and I got myself a bagpack as well :) Unfortunately, I do not have the address for it. I only know that it is called Stylish T-ONE (had to do some googling for that!), located at Ewha Woman's University shopping street. I admit, when I was searching for Stylish T-ONE in my recent trip, I saw one or two stores selling bags at 10,000KRW as well. But I trust Stylish T-ONE, and their bags are durable too!

Anyway, on with the contents inside the bag (which are always inside)!

- 3 tissue packs
- Mints (You never know when you need them!)
- 2 lip balms and 2 lip sticks
- Emergency pouch (Scrunchies, plasters, bobby pins, hair clip, mirror, nail clipper, Axe Brand medicated oil)
- My planner (/scheduler, whatever you want to call it! I am currently using the one from Muji, which I absolutely love. I had been searching for one with a monthly and weekly kind, and the moment I saw Muji's, I knew I had to get it.)
- A book
- Umbrella
- Wallet

So that's all :) Simplicity is the best, I always say.

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